Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Study Abroad at Roger Williams University

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Getting better! This is the final edited video of our latest story for MLS news about the Study Abroad program at Roger Williams University. We have had a few weeks to work out all of our quirks and learn to how work with our atmosphere and our group. This week we took into account our wardrobe issues and shot most of the film within two days so we would have more time to edit the video. We learned that every outside noise can be heard and now we are looking for sounds that on the first day of class we just would have passed by. Now, our lighting, camera positioning, and schedules all seem to be on the right track.

We picked the issue of Study Abroad so that our video could be informative and show other students what opportunities they have, as well as personally finding out where our friends and classmates have been. We had to work with the study abroad office to set up interviews and everyone seemed to want to help out and inform their program. We did interviews with the Coordinator of study abroad, and 3 RWU students. One who went to Florence, another who is the ambassador of the program, and the last student who is getting ready to embark on his abroad journey in Scotland. We also shot B roll at the Academic Expo where the Study Abroad program had a table and could get visual stimulating film.

The last lesson we learned is to work with each others' s schedules and teach each other what we know about the editing process, camera filming, and even presence in an interview. We decided to put lower thirds into our videos so it would make it look more professional and appealing. We all have really gotten to know each other and each week the process has gotten a little easier.

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