Thursday, October 30, 2008

Here is our newest video for digital journalism.

This is an interview with someone who has an amazing talent, Cy Thompson of the RWU Sailing Team. Cy is from the Virgin Islands and has been sailing for 16 years and has put a lot of effort into his talent and has been able to travel all over the world to compete. Thompson singlehandly won the ICSA- Laser Performance National Championship, along with the United States Youth Champsionships. He has competed in many races and his goal now is to win the ACC Championships and Team Race Nationals which he is working hard for.

For this assignment, we did not need a reporter, but a team effort as producer and camera (wo)man. We are continuing to learn how to work effectively without having all three of us there at one time.

During this assignment, some of the aspects of video that we focused on was capturing stimulating b-roll, lighting during the day, having to reshoot some interviews, and noise factors. This time, shooting outside, a cloudy, windy day originally made the shoot rather difficult. However, after reveiwing the footage that we did have, we made the decision to reshoot some of the interviews in order to improve the quality of our video this week. We think that it worked in our favor and that the video turned out the best that it could given the circumstances of us not being able to be together, the wind, and the horrible lighting on our cloudy day. We did recognize our mistakes and make an effort to fix them.

We also used a song in the background about sailing to make the video have more of an appealing effect. It worked out perfectly and we are very proud of the video that we produced this week.

Hope you like the video!
MLS News, Signing off!!! =)

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